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YEARS 9 & 10


  • All students will be required to complete Industry and Enterprise for Careers (1 semester) once during the two year cycle

  • ADVANCE will this year be open to Year 9 and Year 10 students and it is a whole year subject

  • Students wishing to complete ADVANCE must be approved via the correct process

  • Students should plan their subject selection in consultation with VCE Subject Pathway advice provided, to ensure appropriate knowledge & skill development 

  • Students may not repeat a subject

  • Students wishing to 'fast track' Unit 1 & Unit 2 VCE studies must have been approved by their current teacher of that study and by the Assistant Principal

  • Students may enter VCAL at Year 10


Please note:

  • Subject choices cannot be guaranteed and there is potential that some subjects may exceed the maximum number of students after subject selection

  • We aim to provide a breadth of subjects and to allow stuudents to choose clear pathways, but the number and type of subjects that run are dedicated by student numbers, staffing profile and timetabaling 

  • Students may end up completing na study in the second semester, even if they choose to do it in the first semester or the other way around

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Cobram Secondary College

PO Box 387

25-47 Warkil Street

Cobram VIC 3644


03 58 711700

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