The Student Mentor Groups Initiative was established to improve the wellbeing and school community connectedness. Each staff member of CSC (teacher and ES Staff) is provided a small number of students (6-9 students) that they will ‘mentor’ for the year. In response to the impact the pandemic has had on student mental health and wellbeing; the College, through student data analysis and consultation with the wider school community recognised the need to prioritise student sense of belonging. Students will meet their ‘Mentor group’ once a week for roughly 20 mins in an allocated space of the school to chat, check in and discuss anything they desire socially, emotionally, goal or education related. At this stage the Mentor Group meeting will be on a Tuesday.
You can be involved by:
Actively get to know your mentor group both in the allocated time and in the yard. Familiarise yourself with their individual likes, dislikes, aspirations, concerns and drives.
Use the resources and materials provided to actively engage, question and listen with your mentor group during allocated times.
Participate in the Student Mentor ‘Action Team’ (SMAT) meetings to provide feedback and a voice on behalf of the school community suggestions to refine, improve or initiate the goal of being a mentally fit community.
Spread the positive voice on the importance to be ‘mentally fit’ within all aspects of your role at CSC.
You will be supported by your existing network and the SMAT Leader – Jayne Black. Jayne, in collaboration with Kimberley and the ‘Be You’ Initiative of Beyond Blue have formulated on going professional development for you in 2022 and beyond. This is a journey of Progress not perfection! We are building on the strengths of our learning community and complementing the work we already do, building mental fitness of ALL members of our community will be our 2022 and 2023 priority.